
2023-11-29   来源:小学五年级


第1篇: 小学五年级英语第二学期期末

1. 我特别欣赏你具有男孩子的个性:直爽。你快人快语,直抒胸襟,你办事利索、果断,不拖泥带水,你眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒,证明你是一个思维(初三毕业班主任敏捷的女孩。愿你在知识的海洋里遨游,做一个强者、胜利者!

2. 思想上积极要求上进,尊敬师长,乐于助人,学习自主性强,成绩优良,富有挑战竞争意识及创新能力,工作负责认真,有良好的领导组织及沟通协作精神,兴趣爱好广泛,心理素质好,是一名全面发展的优秀大学生。

3. 你是一个品行兼优的好孩子,有一定的组织能力和责任心,能协助老师管理班级,是老师的得力助手,与同学们相处愉快,在小朋友中有很高的威信,爱劳动,讲卫生,爱护环境,诚实勇敢,意志坚强,坚持做好两操,学习认真主动,积极思考,大胆发言,课堂练习独立完成,思维开阔,知识面广,老师很喜欢你,希望你继续努力,早日成才!

4. 好动的你在校运会上的出色表现令人刮目相看。小男孩,如果你能上课专心听讲,按时完成作业,学习成绩就不会一般般。希望你今后,听从教导遵守纪律,改正好打架的坏习惯。做一名优秀的少先队员。

5. 你是一个乖巧勇敢的孩子,尊敬和爱戴老师,能协助老师管理班级,值日工作认真负责,与同学相处融洽,懂得谦让,不计较个人得失,意志力强,能吃苦耐劳,爱劳动,讲卫生,本学期也能积极参加体育锻炼,学习认真自觉,上课大胆发言,积极思考,完成练习情况良好,学习成绩优秀,老师希望以后上课能够做到不影响他人,独立完成个人练习,做一个相信自己的诚实孩子。

6. 当你一次次主动地帮助同学打扫教室时,当你为一道难题凝神沉思时,当你单薄的身体奔跑在运动场上时,不发你弯腰拾起地上的纸屑时……作为老师的我,是多么的高兴!我为你的热心勤奋和勇敢而高兴!今后学习应多思多问,多花点时间掌握基础知识。

7. 你文静温和,大家都愿意和你一起玩。虽然平日你默默无闻,却看得出你样样要强。你能严格遵守班级和宿舍纪律,热爱集体,关爱同学。你能按时完成作业,字迹工整。不足之处就是上课发言不够积极,上课要开动脑筋,举手发言,珍惜每一次锻炼的机会,你才能获得学习上的丰收。你的学习方法有待改进,掌握知识也不够牢固,思维能力要进一步培养和提高。学习上从未挨过老师的批评,这似乎令人高兴;但也很少获得老师夸奖,这可令人遗憾!

8. 一个人有了自信,便有了高尚的灵魂和坚不可摧的力量,才会不畏前进上的艰难险阻,并且永远勇往直前。这个学期以来,成绩也有了起色,这是你努力的结果。但是同时你也要注意到自己的一些不良的习惯给你的发展所带来的负面影响,也许这会成为决定你成功与否的主要因素。希望能够引起你的重视!

9. 尹亚东你为人随和,不张扬,同学之间相处和谐;非常有个性,有时言行举止得不到老师的认同,以致出现不必要的误解。学习方法科学有效,对高中学习适应性强,尤其是数学学得出色超常,因而每次考试稳居年级前列,老师最担心的是你的字写得实在不行,这在考试时是要吃亏的,另外“两语”还要加强,多和老师沟通,达成共识,你的前途将不可估量。

10. 你认真,执着,有爱心,关心集体,乐于助人。对待老师交给你的工作,你兢兢业业,用心去做好每一件事。尤其是当上班级的体育委员以后,你进步非常快,这些让老师感到非常高兴。你的学习成绩也直线上升,说明你的能力是不可估量的。你要多修炼自己的性情,不要太过于冲动,你的道路会越走越好。

11. 聪明的你,老师希望再次看到你勤奋细心的身影! 你是我们班上的“小才女”,优秀的成绩,逼真的绘画,优美的字迹赢得了同学们的青睐。但你一定要记住:“天才出于勤奋”,老师希望你更加严格要求自己,不断进取,成为一个更出色的你。

12. 这一学期以来,我的缺点很多,就是上课不认真听讲,班里组织大扫除的时候,不愿意干,有时候还躲起来偷懒,组长叫我抬水,总是不想去台。但自从班主任和我谈话以后,我就开始上课认真点了。也愿意干活 了 ,班主任说进步挺快,我高兴极了。再一个就是学习成绩了,英语一般,语文还可以,但是数学成绩一直不太好,都怪我老师讲完以后,课下不看就去玩了,以后我一定努力学习,尤其数学下课不能老是贪玩,要抓紧时间来复习,上自习也要认真学习。我相信我能行,一定能行。

13. 你是一位正直,坦诚的好孩子,爱憎分明,遇事有一定的主见。数学是你喜爱的科目,且成绩优秀,要知道,胜利者不一定是跑得最快的人,但一定是最能耐久的人。

14. 你唱出的歌,婉转动听;你跳出的舞,姿态优美;你画出的画,形象逼真;你写出的字,工整娟秀。你是我们班唯一的全面发展的学生。你发言积极,见解独到,学习成绩优异,工作能力强,不愧为同学眼中的“三好生”。你唯一逊色的是有时会出现骄傲情绪。若是你能戒骄戒躁,持之以恒,你会更加优秀,更加可爱!

15. 卑微的工作是用艰苦卓绝的精神忍受的,最低陋的事情往往指向最崇高的目标!作为宣传委员,工作中的琐碎小事占用你的不少时间和精力,但是从中你应该体会到一点为大家服务的乐趣。在平凡的工作中你明白的是人生的大道理,把这些体会在学习中再发挥一些,你会变得更加优秀。珍惜你所拥有的,实现你所希望的达到的目标!

第2篇: 小学五年级英语第二学期期末

听力部分( 35分)

Ⅰ. 听音,选出你所听到的句子中的单词,将其序号填入括号内。

( )1、A. delicious B. different C. difficult

( )2、A. scissors B.sausage C. sandwich

( )3、A. paper B.parent C. place

( )4、A. circle B. climb C. clothes

( )5、A. should B.shoulder C. solve

Ⅱ. 听音,用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列图片重新排序。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Ⅲ. 听音,为所听到的问句选出相应的答句,将序号填入括号内。

( )1、A. Go to the airport. B. At half past seven.

( )2、A. A ticket. B. A bus.

( )3、A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he has.

( )4、A. No, I won’t. B.No, I didn’t.

( )5、A. Spring. B. Sausage.

Ⅳ. 听音,按所听顺序用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列句子重新排序。

( ) Click on “Email”!

( ) Write your message .

( ) How to send an email ?

( ) Click on “Send”!

( ) Now click on “Write”.

Ⅴ. 听短文,判断正误。正确打“√”, 错误打“×”。

( ) 1. Daming got some presents from England last week.

( ) 2. Daming and Lingling played the Maths game.

( ) 3. Daming read English books yesterday.

( ) 4. Daming ate American chocolates yesterday.

( ) 5. Daming is going to go to America this summer.


Ⅵ. 单项选择。

( )1、My grandpa _______a flute player before.

A. is B. was C. were

( )2、In England, _______ is usually at half past twelve.

A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch

( )3、A: Your library card, please. B:____________

A. Oh good. B. Here you are. C. Yes, we have.

( )4、There are some birds in the tree. I can see _______with my ________.

A. them , eyes B. me , mouth C. it , ears

( )5、I’ve got a new book. I read ___________ last week.

A. it B. them C. they

( )6、This black box is heavy. And that green one is ¬¬¬________, too.

A. heavy B. dirty C. old

( )7、A boy Tom fell off the bike yesterday.

A. call B. calls C. called

( )8、I a dragon on a piece of paper yesterday.

A.draw B. drew C. drawing

( )9、Your T-shirt is blue. ¬¬¬______ is pink.

A. I B. My C. Mine

( )10、It’s raining. We ¬¬¬_______ fly a kite outside. We ¬¬¬______ stay at home.

A. will…won’t B. won’t …will C. will…will

( )11、I have got a white rabbit and it’s _______ very long ears.

A. get B. got C. gets

( )12、________ _______ my parents.

A. This is B. That is C. These are

( )13、A bird _______ swim, but it _______ fly very high.

A. can’t , can B. can , can’t C. can’t , can’t

( )14、He _________ a hamburger yesterday.

A. will eat B. eating C. ate

( )15、There are fifteen _________ in the room.

A. woman B. women C. man

Ⅶ. 请根据所给语境写出单词的正确形式,将句意补充完整。

1、She worked in an __________(办公室).

2、Chinese people ____________(建造) the Great Wall.

3、My bag is ___________(棕色的). I carry it on my __________(背部).

4、If you are ______(很好), the sun will always shine. I _____ (希望) you will be happy.

5、Dad read some books about Chinese _____________(历史) .

6、A: I will make a paper plane . Will you help me ? B: ____ ________ (当然).

7、Our teacher is very_________ (繁忙的) every day.

Ⅷ. 连词成句。

1、dinner/ she/ for/ fish/ had ( .)

2、borrow/ can / books / you (.)

3、got/ Snow White/ you / book / have ( ?)

4、amazing / was / it ( .)

5、played / on/ I / beach /the ( .)

Ⅸ. 请为所给问句选择正确的答语,将序号填入括号内。

( )1、What did he send to you? A. She has eggs and bread.

( )2、What does she have for breakfast? B. He sent a postcard to me.

( )3、Has she got a car? C. We’re making a kite.

( )4、What will you do on Sunday? D. No, she hasn’t.

( )5、What are you doing ? E. I’ll go to the library.

Ⅹ. 根据语境,选填方框内的单词补全下列短文。

Sam’s bag is ________.He can’t take it to China. His mother will buy him

a _______one.Sam likes the green bag, because it’s small and __________.But his mother

likes the black one, because it’s big and it has got _________.It’ll be very _________for him.

So Sam takes the black bag with wheels.They are very happy.

Ⅺ.情景交际。从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话, 将答案序号写在横线上。

Ms Smart: Lingling.______________________

Lingling: Yes, I think so.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: Lanlan, Alice and Amy.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: At the park gate.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: A hamburger, two apples, some chips and two bottles of Coke.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: At eight o’clock.

Ms Smart: OK. Breakfast will be ready at half past seven.



Today we went to the school library together. We wanted to borrow the Harry Potter videos. But they haven’t got the videos. They had Harry Potter books. We borrowed lots of Harry Potter books. Because Harry Potter is our favourite. We must read fast. Because we must return the books in two weeks.

( ) 1. There weren’t any books about Harry Potter at the library.

( ) 2. We can read the books for two weeks.

( ) 3. You can borrow lots of books in a bookshop.

( ) 4. You can’t talk to others at the library.

( ) 5. We borrowed lots of Harry Potter videos.


There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months.

The first season is spring. The three months are March, April and May. It’s warm in spring. We can see the baby ducks. There are beautiful flowers on the trees.

The second season is summer. The three months are June, July and August. The weather is very hot and it often rains. We can go swimming.

The third season is autumn. The three months are September, October and November. It’s cool. The leaves fall from the trees. We can play with them.

I like winter. It is very cold. Sometimes it snows. We can go skiing and make a snowman.

( ) 1. There are _____ months in each season. A. four B.three C.two

( ) 2. The______ season is autumn. A.first B.second C. third

( ) 3. December, January and February are in ______.

A. spring B.summer C. autumn D. winter

( ) 4. It’s very _____in summer. A. cool B.cold C. warm D.hot

( ) 5.We can____in spring. A. go swimming B. go skiing C. see the baby ducks

XIII. 写作园地。


问题提示:Where did you go? How did you get there?

What did you do there? Who did you meet there?



Ⅰ. 听音,选出你所听到的句子中的单词,将其序号填入括号内。

1. Chinese food is different from English food.

2. I cut the paper with scissors.

3. It’s an old place.

4. Last summer I went to Mount Tai. I climbed the mountain.

5. My bag is new. I carry it over my shoulder.

Ⅱ. 听音,用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列图片重新排序。

1. I love summer. I can wear shorts and sandals.

2. They had a picnic in the park yesterday.

3. She’s writing a letter to Amy.

4. We’ll go there by car.

5. My father works in a hospital.

Ⅲ. 听音,为所听到的问句选出相应的答句,将序号填入括号内。

1、When will you leave tomorrow?

2、What did she drive?

3、Can he play Chinese music ?

4、Did you take your passport?

5、What’s your favourite season?

Ⅳ. 听音,按所听顺序用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列句子重新排序。

How to send an email ? Click on “Email”! Now click on “Write”. Write your message . Click on “Send”!

Ⅴ. 听短文,判断正误。正确打“√”, 错误打“×”。

Hello! I’m Daming. My grandma lives in America. She sent me some presents last week. They are English books, American chocolates and a Maths game. I’m good at Maths, so I played the Maths game with Lingling last Sunday. I can speak English. I read English books yesterday. But I didn’t eat American chocolates. They are delicious. I’ll eat them with my parents. I’m going to go to America this summer.




Ⅰ、(1×5=5分) BACBB

Ⅱ、(1×5=5分) 5----3----4----2----1

Ⅲ、(2×5=10分) BBABA

Ⅳ、(1×5=5分) 2---4----1---5---3

Ⅴ、(2×5=10分) × √ √ × √




office , built , brown , back , fine , hope , history , Of , course , busy

(注意 :共计10个单词,其中画有“_”黑体的部分如果没有形式的变化将各扣0.5分, 其余单词必须完全拼写准确方可得1分。)


1. She had fish for dinner. 2. You can borrow books. 3. Have you got Snow White book?

4. It was amazing. 5. I played on the beach.

Ⅸ、(1×5=5分) BADEC

Ⅹ、(1×5=5分) broken , new , light , wheels , easy (每个单词必须完全拼写准确方可得1分)

XI、(2×5=10分) EBCDA

XII、(1×10=10分) F T F T F BCDDC

XIII、(5分) 答案略。











Listening Part听力部分(共30分)

一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10分)

( )1 A、spring B、summer C、fall

( )2 A、March B、May C、April

( )3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner

( )4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30

( )5 A、drinking B、eating C、having

( )6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman

( )7 A、nice B、sweet C、good

( )8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing

( )9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work

( )10 A、first B、second C、third

二、Listen and complete the sentences.听音,完成句子。(10分)

1、Look, what is my mother doing?

She’s ________________

2、Chen Jie and Amy are ____________________.

3、Hello _____________ , Can I speak to ChenJie, please ?

4、Her grandpa is _____________________

5、When is your birthday?______________________.

三、Listen and choose. 听问句,选答句。(10分)

( )1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favourite season.

( )2. A. It"s June 21st. B. It"s Thursday.

( )3. A. No. He"s playing football. B. Yes. He"s very tall.

( )4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Hold on, please.

( )5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone.

Writing Part笔试部分(共70分)

四.Read and choose.选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)

( ) 1. A. nose B. old C.often D.over

( ) 2. A. fly B. yellow C.try D.shy

( ) 3. A. horse B. worker C. sports D.morning

( ) 4. A.cake B. make C. have D.place

( ) 5. A. soup B. mouth C.group D.coup

五. Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)

( ) 1 . A.cold B.warm C.windy D.fly

( ) 2 . A. season B.summer C.fall D.sping

( ) 3 . A.three B.second C.fourth D.first

( ) 4 . A.March B.April C.June D.Saturday

( ) 5 . A.fly B.skate C.swim D. weekend

六. Choose.选择正确的一项。(每小题2分,共20分)

( ) 1.I spring, but Li Li fall.

A. like ; like B. like ; liking C. like; likes

( ) 2. August is the month of the year.

A. eighth B. seven C. eight

( ) 3.There is a phone you.

A. for B. to C. of

( ) 4.- ?

-They are listening to music.

A. What do they do

B. What are you doing

C. How do you do

( ) 5.-Can I speak to your sister?

-Sure. Please .

A .hold on B. bye C. read a book

( ) 6.-What you do on the weekend?

-I often go hiking .

A . can B. are C. do

( ) 7. Uncle Bill’s birthday is April.

A. / B. in C. for

( ) 8. I eat dinner 7:00 the evening .

A. at; in B. at; at C. at; on

( ) 9. - is the dress ?

-It’s eighty yuan.

A. How much B. How many C. What’s

( ) 10. The monkeys in the tree.

A. are swinging B. is swimming C. are swimming

七. Make up the sentences.连词成句。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. do, why, winter, you, like (?)

2. the, are, climbing, trees, pandas (.)

3. he, up, is, leaves, picking the (?)

4. I, speak , to, can, him, please (?)

5. cooking, mom, the, dinner, is, in, kitchen (.)X k B 1 . c o m

八. Fill in the blacks with correct forms .用所给形式填空.( 每小题1分,共10分)

1. His feet are ( big ) than yours .

2. We (see) elephants in the zoo last week .

3. The elephant is much (strong ) than the dog .

4. Amy often (buy ) a card for her teacher on Teachers’ Day .

5. He can (play) the guitar.

6. –What are you doing, Tom? –I’m ( read ) books .

7. I will (play) basketball with my friends tomorrow.

8. We (go) swimming tomorrow.

9. They want (eat) apples.

10. –How much (be) the bananas? -32 yuan.

九. Read and answer. 阅读短文,回答问题。(每小题2分,共10分)

Today is Sunday . Amy’s family are all at home .Her mother is washing clothes in the living room .Her friend ,Mike ,and her father are playing chess in the bedroom .Her grandma is watching TV in the living room .Her grandpa is reading a newspaper in the study .Where is Amy ? Oh ,she is in the garden . She’s watering the flowers .

1. What is Amy doing ?

2. Is her grandma watching TV?

3. Are her grandparents playing chess ?

4. Where is Amy’s grandpa ?

5. How many people are there in the living room ?

十.Composition. 作文。(共10分)

My favourite season

要求: 1、与主题有关、条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确、书写规范。


第3篇: 小学五年级英语第二学期期末




h___pp___      dr___v___r      sh___ ___t     gl___v___s      str___ ___g


listen       the        report        let‘s       to      weather     .

you       like       red       do       skirt       this       ?

like       my       look       mother       I       .

ball      are      with      playing      a      they      .

I        shall        what        wear        ?

得 分



She’s__________. (pretty  friend  girl)

She‘s__________. (old  young  fat)

He’s my_____________.(teacher  friend  mother)

It‘s_____________.(new  young  short)

She’s a____________.(worker  nurse engineer)


(      )     (      )     (      )      (      )      (      )

(1) make a snowman.      (2) play chess          (5) go fishing

(3) phant trees            (4) climb the mountain

得 分


1、Who are they?                     A、It‘s snowy.

2、What’s he like?                    B、I want to wear my sweater.

3、What‘s his hobby?                  C、He’s tall.

4、What do you want to wear?           D、They are my parents.

5、What‘s the weather like tiday?         E、Collecting stamps.

得 分



(1)Oh, good. I like it.

(2)Ok! Let me help you. Do you like this blue T-shirt?

(3)Dad, we have a party this evening. What shall I wear?

(4)No. It’s too big.

(5)How about this red one?








My name is LiFang. I have a new friend. Her name is Linda. She lives in New York. Linda is eleven years. She likes playing chess. My hobby is playing chess,too. She often goes to school by bus. Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot. Her father is a teacher. He goes to work by car. Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TVand her father reads newspapers. Linda will come to China soon. She is in England now. I‘m excited.

(    )1、Lindia is a Chinese girl.

(    )2、Linda’s father is a doctor.

(    )3、Linda‘s father reads newspapers in the evening.

(    )4、Linda’s mother goes to work by bus.

(    )5、LiFang likes playing chess.

得 分



A、How many people is there in your family?  1. __________________________


A、Where are they?                       2. __________________________

B、They‘re my grandfother, grandmother, mother and me.  3.___________________

A、What do they do?

B、My grandfather is a work.               4.___________________________

My grandmother is a English teacher.        5.__________________________

My father and my mother are all doctors.

A、We are happy.


一、1、winter  summer  autumn  spring  sunny  cloudy  snowy  windy  warm

cold  cool (每单词一分,共10分)

2、hippo  driver  shirt  gloves  strong  (每空一分,共10分)

3、Let’s listen to the weather report.  Do you like this red skirt?  I look like my mother.

They are playing with a ball.  What shall we wear? (每句子二分标点或字母大小写错误扣一分10分)

二、1、pretty  young  friend  new  nurse  (每题二分,共10分)

2、4  3  2  1  5  (每题二分,共10分)

三、1--D  2--C  3--E  4--B  5--A  (每题二分,共10分)

四、A:Dad,we have a party this evening.What shall I wear?

B:Ok!Let me help you.Do you like this blue T-shirt?  A:No.It‘s too big.

B:How about this red one?   A:Oh,good.I like it. (共5分)

2、×  ×  √  ×  √  (每题二分,共10分)


六、1、is--are  2、Where--Who  3、grandfother--grandfather

4、work--worker  5、a--an (先圈出,再改正,每题2分,共10分)











第4篇: 小学五年级英语第二学期期末

1. 你是一位天真活泼可爱的孩子,可是不知道为什么,每次你都会玩得忘了时间,上下课放学后都一样。每当老师看到你那双充满了表现欲的眼睛,总不免替你感到惋惜,只要你上课认真听讲,回家认真完成作业,老师相信,你一定能够在老师面前表现出一个完美的你!加油吧!

2. 你乐于帮助同学,热爱劳动。不过,你的写作水平总达不上老师对你的要求。记住:学无止境,只要不断拼搏,一定能获得更大丰收。

3. 你学习比较认真,老师觉得批阅你的作业是一种美好的享受。在这里老师真诚地送你一句话:学习如逆水行舟,不进则退,要达到自己理想境界,必须持之以恒,不懈努力才行。

4. 你能和气待人,尊敬老师,同学有困难你能主动帮助,学习尚认真,不知为什么你的错别字总是比别人多,老师希望你作业时要做到心到、眼到,采用好的记忆方法,这样你的错别字就不会有很多了,还要认真读书,认真写好字,老师相信你能做到。

5. 你能和同学友好相处。遇到不懂的问题总是问老师,这是好现象,老师发现你听讲时,没有做到心到、口到和眼到,如果你能做到,学习成绩肯定是不错的,教师还发现你作业不够细心,把不应该做错的题做错了,真可惜,老师希望你今后大胆发言,多看课外书,提高自己的说话能力。

6. 你在老师的面前总是那样可爱,显得一本正经,可你背着老师的面又变得那样调皮,学习情绪不稳定,你平常认真写字的话,写出来的字多漂亮,真让人喜欢,假如你在作业中天天能做到这样,那多好啊!平常你爱做纸工,也喜欢玩耍,有时上课时略地还要偷偷地做做小动作,这是不应该的,望你以后改正。

7. 课间,老师总是看见你活跃在操场上,只要你喜欢做的都有做了,课上,你却不善多言,显得那样内向,沉默,老师发现你很喜欢跟别人争先,假如在学习上有那股劲儿那多好啊!老师希望你今后不管做什么事,都要动脑筋想一想,是该做,还是不该做,还希望你做一个诚实的孩子。

8. 现在的你变得越来越可爱了,你的脑子灵活,再加上自己爱好,老师更喜欢你了,作业能做到按时完成,这对于你来说,确实不容易,上课时能做到专心听讲,不开小差,要能控制自己,能做到这一点你真了不起,老师想不着你会变得这样好,老师相信你今后将会成为我班出色的学生。

9. 在老师眼里,你是个文明守纪、团结同学、尊敬师长的好学生,在同学眼里,你是个乐于助人、工作负责的好干部。

10. 见到你的第一眼,就被你那双小而有神的眼睛给吸引住了。因为你那里盛满了顽皮热情??课堂上,你比较好动,不时的做一些可爱的小动作,引起同学的哄笑;课间,从没见你好好休息,不管做什么游戏,你总是特别活泼突出。可是你的成绩却不够理想,希望在以后,要以学习为重,专心努力读书。一定会成为一名全面发展的好学生。

11. 你聪明伶俐,思维敏捷, 优美的文字令老师赞叹!同学们也羡慕你。但不知为什么,你的心里似乎找不对集体的位置。似乎总有同学来打你的“小报告”。并且,老师很难在你身上找到那样 那我们每个同学都相当重要的东西--上进心。假如你能纠正你的这些不良态度,老师相信,你将是最棒的!努力吧!

12. 你是位聪明又懂礼貌的好女孩,每次无论老师在哪儿碰到你,你总是亲切地向老师问好,老师心里好高兴,可是当老师看到你作业的不认真和上课经常讲悄悄话和做小动作时,不禁皱眉了,聪明的女孩,下学期你一定不会让老师失望的,对吗?


14. 你思维敏捷,说话较快,活动能力较强,是老师的得力助手老师很喜欢你,你关心集体,对同学老师有爱心,只要班级里有一点困难,你总是尽力帮助,你的思想很好,你能礼貌待人,每天早读你象小老师一样出现在同学们面前,你真了不起,你的优点很多,不过,老师发现作业时不细心,希你改正。

15. 你平时说话和气,性格内向,经常能跟老师谈谈还能做到礼貌待人,值日认真负责,把我们班里的毛巾洗得干干净净,老师很喜欢你,但有时你也会变得调皮起来,在上课时喜欢做自己的事,你说这样对吗?老师相信你会改正的,老师还希望你能积极发言,你能做到吗?

16. 你性格内向,常喜欢一个人静静地坐在位上看课外书,因此你的作文比以前写得流畅。老师和同学们经常在背后夸你呢!你作业书写认真,但经常出现一些低级错误,是没有认真复查的习惯所导致的。信心不足是你学习上最大的“敌人”。愿你在今后的学习中持之以恒,上课更加认真,举手发言更积极,塑造一个完美的你!以优异的成绩告诉老师“我能行”。

17. 你是位遵守校规校纪的好学生,课堂上你专心听讲,作业本上那端端正正的字迹让老师好喜欢,但老师更喜欢积极开动脑筋,勇敢地回答老师问题的学生,你一定会的,是吗?

18. 你能和气待人,尊敬老师,同学有困难你能主动帮助,学习尚认真,不知为什么你的错别字总是比别人多,老师希望你作业时要做到心到眼到,采用好的记忆方法,这样你的错别字就不会有很多了,还要认真读书,认真写好字,老师相信你能做到。

19. 你是个性格极其内向的孩子。你并不比别人差,只因你老是闭着嘴不说话。为什么总是那么胆小?缺乏自信,你已失掉了不少成功的机会。老师希望你以后大胆些,主动些,你会进步的,能做到吗?

20. 你是一位聪明、开朗、懂事、上进心很强的女生,为人诚实、正直,能与同学友好相处,尊敬师长,能尽心尽力地完成老师交给的任务。平时学习认真,作业按时完成。在学习上,你总是一丝不苟,兢兢业业。你的付出使你这个学期的成绩一直稳中有升。望今后能保持认真踏实的学风,多提问、勤钻研,注意各学科方面深度和广度的拓宽,尤其是学科的平衡。老是相信你一定能够取得最后的成功。

第5篇: 小学五年级英语第二学期期末


PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共30分)

Ⅰ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共5分)


( ) 1. A. shopping B. dancing C. swimming

( ) 2. A. spring B. August C. autumn

( ) 3. A. first B. fourth C. fifth

( ) 4. A. they B. their C. theirs

( ) 5. A. sleeping B. thinking C. eating

Ⅱ. 听音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共5分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Ⅲ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共10分)


( ) 1. A. At 8:00. B. In the evening. C. On the weekend.

( ) 2. A. Summer. B. September. C. Easter.

( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, it can’t. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 4. A. He’s my dad. B. It’s mine. C. John.

( ) 5. A. He’s young. B. He’s singing. C. She’s swimming.

Ⅳ. 听音,标记。(Listen and tick) (共10分)









Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共67分)

Ⅴ. Read and choose.选出下列单词划线部分发音与众不同的一项。(共10分)

( ) 1. A. three B. thin C. that

( ) 2. A. clean B. clever C. plate

( ) 3. A. drink B. think C. long

( ) 4. A. where B. who C. which

( ) 5. A. school B. March C. teacher

Ⅵ. Read and write. 看图,根据句意及首字母提示填写短语。(共10分)

1. When do you p s ?

2. I often p a in summer.

3. My birthday is on J f .

4. Please k the desk c .

5. The girl is e l .

Ⅶ. Read and choose. 选词填空,补全句子。(共4分)

yours hers ours mine

1. This is your eraser, where is ?

2. Your classroom is clean, is clean, too.

3. ------ Is this Sarah’s new bike?

------ No, is yellow.

4. My pencil-box is too small. What about ?

Ⅷ. Look and number.将所给单词重新排列,使之成为通顺的句子。注意大小写和标点。(8分)

1. have We in a trip May school


2. Whose is this book


3. He drinking is water


4. What the is little doing monkey


Ⅸ. Read and choose. 读对话,选择图片。 (共10分)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

( ) 1. --- Why do you like spring?

--- Because the trees are green.

( ) 2. --- Is the girl sleeping?

--- No, she is listening to music.

( ) 3. --- When is your birthday?

--- It’s on February twenty-fourth.

( ) 4. --- What is she doing?

--- She is reading a book.

( ) 5. --- What do you do on weekends?

--- I often sing.

Ⅹ. Read and choose. 根据上下文,选择恰当的句子完成对话,并将选项工整地抄写在相应的横线上。(共10分)

John: What are you doing, Mike?

Mike: ?

John: Which season do you like best?

Mike: ?

John: I like summer,too. .

Mike: The weather is too hot. Let’s go swimming, OK?

John: Great! ?

Mike: No, he can’t. He’s busy now.

John: What is he doing?

Mike: .

John: Oh, maybe next time. Then let’s go!

A. He is having a football class.

B. Can your brother go swimming with us?

C. Because I can swim in summer.

D. I’m reading a book about season.

E. I like summer best.

Ⅺ. Reading comprehension. 阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分)

I am Sarah. I have three good friends. They are Amy, John and Tom. Amy likes winter, because her birthday is in February. She likes music. She is listening to music now. John’s birthday is on April 4th. Ha, it’s April Fool’s Day. He likes sports. Look! He is playing basketball. Tom’s birthday is in October. So he likes autumn, and he can pick apples in autumn. Is he picking apples? No, he is eating apples. I like spring because spring is very beautiful. What am I doing? I am reading a book.

1. How many friends does Sarah have?


2. Why dose Amy like winter?


3. Is John’s birthday on April Fool’s Day?


4. Is Tom picking apples now?


5. What is Sarah doing?


Ⅻ. Composition. 根据表格提示写作。(共5分)

题目:What are they doing

要求:1. 不少于四句话,可适当展开想象,首句提示已给出。

2. 书写规范,语句通顺,没有语法错误,标点符号正确。

Who? What is he/she doing?

Amy do her homework

Amy’s sister clean her room

mother cook dinner

father wash clothes

grandma water the flowers


PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共30分)

I. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:CBBCA

II. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:23154

III. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:AACBC

IV. 共10分,每小题2分。如下:



Father √

Mother √

Brother √

Sister √

Jim √

Part Ⅱ Writing


V. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:CCCBA

VI. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:

1. play, sports; 2. pick, apples; 3. January, first; 4. keep,clean;

5. eating, lunch.

VII. 共4分,每空1分。依次是:mine, ours, hers, yours

VIII. 共8分,每小题2分。依次是:

1. We have a school trip in May.

2. Whose book is this?/ Whose is this book?

3. He is drinking water.

4. What is the little monkey doing?

IX. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:EDABC



1. Three.

2. Because her birthday is in February.

3. Yes, it is.

4. No, he isn’t.

5. She is reading a book.






【范文仅供参考,不必千篇 一律!】如下:

What are they doing

This is Amy’s family. What are they doing now? Amy is doing her homework. Amy’s sister is cleaning her room. Her mother is cooking dinner. Her father is washing clothes. Amy’s grandpa is busy, too. He is watering flowers.


I. 听句子,选出句中所包含的单词。

1. I often go swimming in summer. 2. My birthday is in August.

3. April Fool’s Day in on April 4th. 4. Are these bags theirs?

5. The little boy is sleeping.

II. 听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序。

1. ------ What is the girl doing?

------ She is taking a dancing class.

2. ------ Why do you like winter?

------ Because I can make a snowman.

3. ------ Is the dog drinking water?

------ No, it’s eating.

4. ------ Look! Chen Jie is having an English class.

------ Yes, she is a good girl.

5. ----- A dog is climbing the mountain.

----- Really?

III. 听问句,选择恰当的答语。

1. When do you eat breakfast?

2. Which is your favourite season?

3. Is the cat sleeping?

4. Whose pencil-box is this?

5. What is your sister doing.

IV. 听短文,在相应的表格里打√。

There are five people in Jim’s family. Jim’s father is a doctor. He is forty-two years old. His birthday is in October. Jim’s mother is a nurse. She is forty-one years old. Her birthday is on June 15th. Jim’s brother is a cook. He likes spring. Because his birthday is on March 6th. Jim’s sister is a beautiful girl. Her birthday is in April. When is Jim’s birthday? It’s on September 3rd.


I. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每题2分 ,共10分)

( )1. A.water B.would C.watch

( )2.A.bike B. ship C. metro

( )3.A.buy B. by C. ride

( )4.A. turn left B.turn right C. get off

( )5.A.Halloween B.Christmas C. Double Ninth Festival

II. 听录音,根据所听内容,给下列图片排序。(每题2分,共10分)

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( )

III. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的答案。(每题2分,共10分)

( )1.Tomorrow is ______.

A.the 29th of May B. the 30th of May C. the 1st of June

( )2.Helen likes ______best.

A. May Day B. Children’s Day C. Halloween

( )3. --What does Helen usually do on Children’s Day?

--She usually ________.

A. goes to the park B. has a picnic C. has a party

( )4.--What are they going to do tomorrow?

--They are going to _________.

A. have a party B. watch a film C. go to the park

( )5.--What time are they going to meet ?

A. 7: 45 B.8:00 C.8:15


IV. 根据首字母提示完成句子。(每题2分,共10分)

1.I want to go to the c_______.

2.He has got a t_____. He can’t eat anything.

3.We are h________an English lesson now.

4.People usually climb m_____ at Double Ninth Festival.

5.He goes to Nanjing by m_____.

V. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题2分,共10分)

1.She has ________(do)homework first.

2.Nice mushrooms is bad for _____(we).

3.The ______(drive)come to work early.

4.You should _____(have)a rest.

5.What’s wrong with _______(he)

VI. 单项选择。(每题2分,共20分)

( )1.He points _____his neck.

A. on B.at C. in

( )2.He _________ the windows now.

A. cleans B.cleaning C.is cleaning

( )3.He is waiting for _____in the library.

A.me B.I C.my

( )4.How many ______can you see ?

A.bird B.birds C. some birds

( )5.He is _____some juice in the fridge, but he can’t _____ it.

A. looking for ; find B. look for ; find C. find ; look for

( )6.Is there ____apple juice in the fridge ?

A. some B. any C. a lot

( )7.You should ______some medicine and have a good rest.

A. took B.are taking C. take

( )8.I like eating meat _____potatoes.

A. in B. on C. with

( )9.I’m happy _____ see them.

A. to B.or C. in

( )10.Let’s ____ to the cinema.

A. go B.going C.are going

VII. 连词成句。(每题2分,共10分)

1.is, there, orange, juice, any, bottle, in, the (?)


2.do, I, how, to, get, library, the (.)


3.should, you, take, medicine, some, and, some, warm, drink, water (.)


4.Bobby, some, sees, ladybirds, his, on, hands (.)


5.is, father, your, meat, cooking, the, in, kitchen (.)


VIII. 看图完成对话。(每空1分,共10分)

1.A: What ____people usually _____ at Spring Festival ?

B: They usually ______a big lunch.

A:What do they usually eat at Spring Festival ?

B: They usually ____ _____.

2.A: What’s _____ with you ?

B: I’ve got a _______.

A: You should not eat _____.

You should ______ some _____.

IX. 阅读短文,判断正误。(每题2分,共10分)

We call Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is the name of each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the rat, the year of the dog or the year of the monkey. And this year is the year of the horses.

Before the New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning the houses. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, the whole family stay up late to welcome the New year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their relatives and friends. They say Happy New year and some other greeting to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival.

( )1.We call the Chinese New Year the Christmas Day.

( )2.This year is the year of ox.

( )3.People are busy shopping and cleaning their houses before the New Year’s Day.

( )4.The whole family will stay up late to welcome the New Year.

( )5.People usually have a lot of fun during the festival.



I. 1.water 2.ship 3.ride 4.turn right 5.Halloween


1.Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge.

2.We often get together and watch the moon at Mid-Autumn Festival.

3.I"ve got a headache.

4.We usually have a party on my birthday.

5.Liu Tao is playing computer in the bedroom.


A: Hello, Wang Bing. What date is it today?

B: It"s the thirtieth of May. Tomorrow is Children"s Day, Helen.

A: wonderful! It"s my favourite holiday.

B: What do you usually do on Children"s Day?

A: We often have a party. But we are going to watch a film tomorrow. would you like to join us?

B:Good idea. where and what time shall we meet tomorrow?

A: At seven forty-five in front of the Garden Cinema.

B:OK.See you tomorrow.

A: See you.


I. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A

II. 3 1 2 5 4

III. 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A

IV. 1.cinema 2.toothache 3.having 4.mountains 5.metro

V. 1.to do 2.us 3.drivers 4.have 5.him

VI. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.A


1.Is there any orange juice in the bottle?

2.How do I get to the library?

3.You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.

4.Bobby sees some ladybirds on his hand.

5.Your father is cooking meat in the kitchen.

VIII. 1.do / do / have / eat / dumplings 2.wrong / toothache / sweets / take / medicine

IX. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T


V. 3.The ______(drive)come to work early.

本句drive为主语,所以将drive转换成名词driver,come 为动词原形,所以driver转化成复数形式:drivers.



一 .听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10分)

( )1 A .spring B. summer C. fall

( )2 A .March B. May C. April

( )3 A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner

( )4 A.7:30 B.8:30 C.9:30

( )5 A. drinking B. eating C. having

( )6 A. fly kites B. plant trees C. make a snowman

( )7 A. nice B. sweet C .good

( )8 A. go hiking B. go shopping C. go fishing

( )9 A. go to bed B .go to school C. go to work

( )10 A. first B. second C. third

二 .听录音,判断图片或句子是否相符。用“√” “×”表示(10分)

( )1. ( )2. ( )3.

( )4. . ( )5.

三. 听录音,将正确的序号填在题前括号里。(10分) ( )1. My favorite seasons is _________. A. spring B. summer C. winter ( )2. I often _________ with my family on the weekend. A. go on a picnic B. play basketball C. play sports ( )3. Be a good boy, ____________! A. Keep your desk clean. B. Keep your room clean. C. Keep quietly. ( )4. When is the Easter? ____________. A. It’s in March. B. It’s in April. C. It’s in May. ( )5. I usually get up at __________. A. 3 o’clock B. 6 o’clock C. 8 o’clock 四.听录音,选择正确的答语,将序号填在题前括号里。(10分) ( )1. A. At 8 o’clock B. in spring C. in May ( )2. A. Yes, it is. B. Because I can make a snowman. C. Yes, I do. ( )3. A. Yes, it’s mine. B. Yes, it’s his. C. Yes, it’s yours. ( )4. A. He’s reading. B. They are doing homework. C. I’m eating lunch. ( )5. A. It’s on March 12th. B. It’s in January. C. It’s in October.



( )1 A. winter B. cool C. spring D. summer

( )2 A .cool B. cold C. warm D. walk

( )3 A. skate B. swim C. climb D. season

( )4 A. first B. two C. second D. third

( )5 A. May B. July C. Sunday D .June


( )1.Spring A.春天 B.季节 C.夏天

( )2.May A.六月 B.三月 C.五月

( )3.write a letter A.写报告 B.写信 C.写电子邮件

( )4.usually A.通常 B.一般 C.经常

( )5.twelfth A.十二 B.第十二 C.第二十


( )1. Where ____________ john and Mike? A. am B. is C. are

( )2. When do you finish class ____________ the afternoon? A. in B. at C. on

( )3. ____________ season do you like best? A. Which B. Why C. When ( )4. We can make a snowman in ____________ A. autumn B. summer C. winter ( )5. -When is the party? ____________ A. In the school B. At 5:00 C. I like the party. ( )6. -When is Thanksgiving Day? -It’s in ____________ . A. December B. November C. September X|k | B | 1 . c |O |m( )7. The kittens are ____________ . A. sleeping B. doing homework C. doing shopping ( )8. There are ____________ people in my family. A. 8th B. eight C. third ( )9. April 5th is his ____________ birthday. A. third B. three C. nine ( )10. The book is my book. It’s ____________ . A. my B. mine C. your ( )11. -It’s Amy’s picture. -Yes, it’s ____________ . A. her B. hers C. his ( )12. -Is Fido drinking water? __________ . A. OK B. No, he is. C. Yes, he is. ( )13. I’m looking at ____________ elephant. A. an B. a C. / ( )14. We should ____________ in the library. A. talk quietly B. speak C. say ( )15. When ____________ you eat dinner at home? A. does B. do C. are 四.选择正确的答句。(10分)

( )1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I"m going hiking.

( )2. When is Children"s Day? B. I"m doing homework.

( )3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st.

( )4. Are you climbing the mountain? D. Winter. I can play with snow.

( )5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking.


April first swimming May yours shopping second

Easter October New Year’s Day third mine jumping 10th

Thanksgiving Day February his Christmas ours doing

1. March ___________ __________ ___________ ______________ 2. cooking ___________ __________ ___________ ______________ 3. May Day ___________ __________ ___________ ______________ 4. theirs ___________ __________ ___________ ______________ 5. 21st ___________ __________ ___________ ______________


Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan?

Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike?

Mike: I"m watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?

Wu: Just fine. I"m doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister.

Mike: What do you do on the weekend?

Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.

Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park?

Wu: Sure. What time?

Mike: At 1:30.

Wu: OK. See you later.

Mike: Bye.


( ) 1. Wu Yifan is watching TV.

( ) 2. Mike is doing the dishes

( ) 3. Wu Yifan"s father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom.

( ) 4. Wu Yifan visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend.

( ) 5. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Children"s Park at 1:30 with Mike.

七.仔细观察图画,现在是星期天上午11点。看,他们正在做什么? 你 能写一段不少于5句话的短文描述一下吗?你可以选择图画进行描述。(5分)

My father My uncle My mother My sister My brother

例:The monkey is climbing.




1.fall 2.April 3.eat breakfast 4.8:30 5.eating

6.plant trees 7.good 8.go hiking 9.go to bed 10.second

二.听录音,判断图片或句子是否相符。用“√” “×”表示

1. I often eat breakfast at 7:30 on Sundays. (× )

2. Every weekend I go hiking with my parents. (√ )

3. The weather is cold now. (× )

4. My birthday is in January. (× )

5.. He’s doing the dishes. (√ )


1. My favorite season is winter. 2. I often go on a picnic with my family on the weekend. 3. Be a good boy, keep your room clean! 4. When is Easter? It’s in April. 5. I usually get up at 6 o’clock. 四. 选择正确的答句

1. When do you start class in the morning? 2. Why do you like winter? 3. Is this your storybook? 4. What are they doing? 5. When is Tree Planting Day?



一.1.C 2.C 3.A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8.A 9.A 10.B

二.×√ *** √

三.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B

四. 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A


一.1 B 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 C

二.1.A 2. C 3.B 4. A 5.B

三.1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A

8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.B 四.1. E 2. C 3. D 4. A 5.B


1. April October February May

2. swimming shopping jumping doing

3. Easter New Year’s Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas

4. yours his ours mine

5. First second third 10th


1.F 3.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

第6篇: 小学五年级英语第二学期期末


2. 勤奋是一把金钥匙,它会帮你打开知识殿堂的大门;勤奋是艘巨舰,它会载你搏击知识海洋的风浪!希望你能牢牢握住这把钥匙,努力学习,不懈追求,希望的大门一定会向你敞开。

3. 该生积极拥护党的领导,努力学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,有很强的责任心,和民族责任感。在学习上努力刻苦,认真学习专业知识,成绩优良,获得二等奖学金。生活上积极进去,工作认真负责,积极参加社会实践活动,群众关系良好,曾获“军训优秀学员”,团日活动先进个人、校社会实践先进个人,校优秀团员,校三好学生,市三好学生。

4. 该生在校期间,认真学习,学完学校规定的全部必修课程和选修课程、成绩优良、热爱祖国、关心集体、政治上要求进步、自觉遵守学校的各项规章制度、学习目的明确肯下工夫。积极参加各项文体活动、较注重自己各方面素质的培养。

5. 或许你有些调皮,有些好动,也常挨批评,可其实在老师的心里,一直认为你是个聪明的学生,你知道吗?学习是要*持之以恒的,如果你能把学习的激情融入每时每刻,静下来认真思考,勤奋学习,那么,你也可以成为一名佼佼者。试试看,老师等你的好消息!

6. 当你为一道难题凝神沉思时,当你在课堂上举起小手时,当看到你在这次校跳长绳比赛中飞跃时……作为老师的我,是多么的高兴!如果你能够抓紧时间,精力集中,踏实认真,不被不良的学习习惯淹没,多交善于学习的好朋友,那么,我想目前你的成绩不会如此不尽人意的。希望你在下学年能够继续往前赶,相信你会取得好成绩的!

7. 你的进步很大,只要认真去做,再大的困难都能克服。

8. 你有良好的学习愿望,总是缺乏信心,好好努力,学好每门功课,一分耕耘,一份收获。克服学习上的困难,不断向前进。

9. 王兴春:虽然平日你默默无闻,却看得出你样样要强,你用实际的行动证明,你能行,你用点滴汗水,浇灌着成功的花朵。同学们正以更高标准要求你,愿你扬长避短,提高学习效率,我永远是你忠实的朋友,我会做你的有力支持者!

10. 洪远:你是一个聪明、活泼、可爱的孩子,尊敬老师,团结同学,有个人思想,理解能力强。可是口头表达能力需要提高,上课时很少大胆发言,老师希望以后你说话做事能主动些,并做到勤思多问,你的学习成绩一定有大的进步!

11. 超凡:你有些调皮,有些好动,也常挨老师的批评。但老师一直认为你是个很聪明的孩子,一直关注着你的点滴进步。只要你愿意努力,就能取得明显进步。遗憾的是你的热情不持久,学习成绩起伏大,思想情绪波动也大。老师希望你把玩电脑的激情融入学习中,老师期待你有更大的进步!

12. 怀童“桃李不言,下自成蹊。”朴实、憨厚的你在班中人缘极好,大家都喜欢和你交朋友。在老师眼里,你从人品到工作能力也是顶呱呱的。可在学业上,你前进的步伐太慢了,老师看在眼里,急在心上。老师希望你能提高课堂学习质量,课下认真复习,取得更大进步。

13. 宇婷:你是一个心地善良,有责任心的孩子,对任何事都能尽职尽责地做好,你努力向身边的同学学习,成绩在一天天进步。老师喜欢你在知识的海洋里畅游的学习劲头,更愿意看到你在课余时间象蝴蝶一样在大自然中快乐飞舞。

14. 王贞才:在校尊敬老师,团结同学,热爱班级是你的特点、优点。看到你用心听课时发言是那么积极,老师是多么高兴。可你有时也很让老师生气,作业不及时完成,字迹潦草,上课不专心,让老师伤心。你知道吗?如果你改掉这些小毛病,你肯定会成为一名好学生,老师期待着这一天。

15. 涵:刚加入我们班这个大家庭时,你就像一棵不起眼的小草。可现在,你以更工整的字迹,更积极的发言,更虚心的态度,更大的改正错误的勇气,证明了自己的进步!老师相信,你有决心和毅力让自己成为一名品学兼优的学生!



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